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General Information

  • Definition: persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and is associated with a chronic enhanced inflammatory response in the airways and lungs to noxious particles and gases
    • due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities
  • Common, preventable & treatable disease
  • Usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases
    • Developed countries — smoking; developing countries — biomass fuel
  • Influenced by host factors including abnormal lung development
  • Chronic bronchitis — clinical diagnosis — chronic cough and sputum production
    • epidemiological definition — chronic productive cough on most days during at least 3 months per year for 2 or more consecutive years
    • periods of worsening or exacerbation precipitated by a respiratory tract infection
    • in between exacerbations, residual clinical disease (unlike asthma where symptoms go away in between exacerbations) because chronic bronchitis is not a disease of airway hyperreactivity
    • If clinical features of chronic bronchitis with evidence of airway hyperreactivity → asthmatic bronchitis or asthma-COPD overlap syndrome
  • Emphysema — pathological diagnosis — destruction of lung parenchyma and enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole — this is the region from respiratory bronchioles to the alveoli
    • where the destruction is along this path determines the subtype of emphysema
  • Chronic bronchitis and emphysema can (and often do) co-exist in a patient therefore the broader term of COPD is used
  • Significant comorbidities may have an impact on morbidity and mortality

Associated Anatomy & Physiology

Associated Histology


Burden of COPD

COPD is underdiagnosed and under-reported

  • Prevalence estimates vary widely
    • Global -- 10.1%
  • Deaths -- 3.2 million annually
    • Third leading cause of death worldwide
  • Prevalence expected to rise over next 4 decades
  • Prevalence increasing in women
    • China and India account for more than 50% of all cases of COPD in the world
  • Undiagnosed COPD
    • Percentage of undiagnosed COPD in the general population, aged 40 or older with current or past exposure to tobacco (≥10 pack-years) is 70-78%
    • Overall health system burden by undiagnosed COPD still exists and its largely unrecognized
    • Asymptomatic Undiagnosed COPD
      • If FEV₁ <80% (moderate or more severe obstruction) → adverse effects ~ symptomatic COPD
      • Increased risk of exacerbations and pneumonia
    • Symptomatic Undiagnosed COPD
      • increased risk of exacerbations, pneumonia and death
    • i.e. it doesn't matter if they are symptomatic or not, being undiagnosed increases risk of adverse effects

Etiology, Pathogenesis & Pathology

Etiology & Risk Factors

  • Early life factors and exposures
    • Maternal smoking
    • Respiratory infections
    • Dysanapsis (Mismatch of airway tree caliber to lung size; develops early in life)
  • Tobacco smoke
    • Nearly 80% of all COPD cases can be attributed to smoking
    • 15-20% of 1 pack per day (PPD) smokers and 25% of 2 PPD smokers will develop COPD
  • Outdoor and Indoor Pollution
    • Biomass fuel
      • 50% of COPD deaths in developing countries are from biomass smoke
      • 75% are in women
  • Occupational exposures
    • May account for 15-20% of COPD
    • Mining, agriculture, textile, paper, wood, chemical, food processing
    • Cadmium fumes can cause emphysema (smelting, batteries)
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Genetic factors
    • Several GWAS (genome-wide association study) have linked genetic loci with COPD but causality remains uncertain
    • Best documented in Alpha-I Antitrypsin Deficiency
      • SERPINA1 gene mutation

Lung Function Trajectory

  • Reduced maximal attained lung function may identify individuals at increased risk
  • Incidence of COPD was higher when FEV1 was <80% predicted before age 40 (26% vs 7%; P <0.001)
    • TR1: Normal
    • TR2: Small lungs but no COPD
    • TR3: Normal initial FEV₁ with rapid decline leading to COPD
    • TR4: Small lungs leading to COPD


  • Associated with incident COPD in older adults
  • Develops early in life
  • May contribute to COPD susceptibility later in life
  • Three trials -- MESA (N=2531), CanCOLD (N=1272), SPIROMICS (N=2726)
  • Incidence and prevalence of COPD was highest in the lowest airway to lung ratio quartiles in MESA and CanCOLD
  • SPIROMICS participants with COPD in the highest airway to lung ratio quartiles had faster FEV₁ decline as compared to the lowest airway to lung ratio quartile suggesting two different paths for COPD development
  • Can lead to Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Risk Factors for AECOPD

  • Advanced age
  • Severity of airflow limitation
  • Chronic mucous hypersecretion
  • Productive cough
  • Duration of COPD
  • Pulmonary Hypertension (Pulmonary Artery {PA}: Ascending Aorta {A} ratio >1)
  • Blood eosinophil count >340 cells/μL
  • Comorbid Conditions
  • GERD
  • History of antibiotic use
  • COPD-related hospitalization in the previous year
    • History of prior exacerbations is the single best predictor, regardless of severity

Etiology of AECOPD

  • Causes of exacerbations requiring hospitalization in patients (Papi A, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;173:1114)
    • Non-infectious 21.8%
    • Bacteria 29.7%
    • Virus 23.4%
    • Bacteria & Virus 25%


Inflammation in COPD

T Lymphocytes

  • Increase in T lymphocytes in the airway wall and lung parenchyma
    • organize into lymphoid follicles
      • Collection of bronchial lymphoid tissue with a lymphoid follicle containing a germinal center (GC) surrounded by a rim of darker-staining lymphocytes that extend to the epithelium of both the small airway and alveolar surface
    • Shift in the balance of CD4/CD8 T cell ratio in favor of CD8 → direct toxic effects → alveolar wall destruction
  • Number of Th1 and Tc1 cells, which produce interferon-γ increase


  • Release proteases
  • Increased in the sputum and distal airspaces of smokers
  • Further increase occurs in COPD and is related to disease severity


  • Produce inflammatory mediators and proteases
  • Increased in number in airway, lung parenchyma and in BAL fluid

B Lymphocytes

  • increased in peripheral airways and within lymphoid follicles possibly as a response to chronic infection of the airways

Inflammatory Mediators

  • Leukotriene B4
    • Chemoattractant of neutrophils and T cells
    • produced by macrophages, neutrophils, and epithelial cells
  • Chemotactic factors (CXC) & Chemokines (IL-8 & growth related oncogene α)
    • produced by macrophages and epithelial cells
    • Chemoattractant of cells from circulation and amplify pro-inflammatory responses
  • TNF-α & IL 1β + IL 6 -- Pro-inflammatory cytokines
  • TGF-β -- growth factors
    • may cause fibrosis in the airways either directly or through release of another cytokine, connective tissue growth factor

Protease and Antiprotease Imbalance

  • Increased production (or activity) of proteases and decreased production (or inactuvation) of antiproteases = imbalance
  • Cigarette smoke + inflammation → oxidative stress → primes inflammatory cells → release of proteases and inactivates several antiproteases by oxidation
    • Oxidative stress
      • leads to inactivation of antiproteases & stimulation of mucous production
      • Amplifies inflammation by enhancing transcription factor activation (NFκB) → gene expression of pro-inflammatory mediators
  • Main proteases involved
    • Neutrophil produced -- serine proteases, elastase, cathepsin G, and protease 3
    • Macrophage produced -- cysteine proteases, cathepsins E, A, L, and S
    • Matrix metalloproteases -- MMP-8, MMP-9, and MMP-12
  • Main antiproteases involved
    • α1 antitrypsin
    • secretory leukoprotease inhibitor
    • tissue inhibitors of metalloproteases

HDAC expression is reduced in COPD

  • Histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2 suppresses inflammatory gene experssion
  • Corticosteroids can recruit HDAC and reverse inflammatory process
  • HDAC function is impaired by cigarette smoking and oxidative/nitrative stress
  • HDAC levls in the lung decrease with increasing COPD severity
  • In COPD, there is decreased corticosteroid responsiveness

α-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) Deficiency

  • AAT is a protease inhibitor of the proteolytic enzyme elastase
  • An imbalance between neutrophil elastase and the elastase inhibitor causes early COPD in smokers (see above)
  • COPD occurs later in non-smokers
  • Inherited in autosomal co-dominant pattern
    • SERPINA1 gene on Chromosome 14
    • M allele is normal
    • S or Z allele a/w deficiency
  • Consider AAT if
    • earlier age of onset (<45 years)
    • emphysema in a nonsmoker or minimal smoker
    • Basal, pan-acinar emphysema
    • Unremitting asthma with persistent airflow limitation
    • Concurrent liver disease/cirrhosis
    • Necrotizing panniculitis
    • C-ANCA positive vasculitis
    • First-degree relative with emphysema, bronhiectasis, panniculitis

Exacerbation-Prone COPD

  • Imaging phenotypes (Han MK, et al. Radiology 2011;261(1):274)
  • COPDGene Study
    • Greater lung emphysema and airway wall thickness a/w COPD exacerbations, independent of the severity of airflow obstruction


Mucus Hypersecretion & Ciliary Dysfunction

Mucus Hypersecretion

  • Results in chronic productive cough
    • Characteristic of chronic bronchitis but not necessarily a/w airflow obstruction
  • Not all patients with COPD have symptomatic mucous hypersecretion
  • Hypersecretion is due to
    • squamous metaplasia
    • increased # of goblet cells
    • increased size of bronchial submucosal glands in response to chronic irritation by noxious particles and gases

Ciliary Dysfunction

  • Ciliary Dysfunction due to
    • squamous metaplasia of epithelial cells
      • Abnormal mucociliary escalator
      • Difficulty in expectorating

Airflow Limitation & Air Trapping (Hyperinflation)

  • Inflammation, fibrosis, and luminal exudates occur in small airways (<2 mm in diameter)
    • This is because of inflammation and narrowing (airway remodeling) and inflammatory exudates in the small airways
  • Number of small airways is decreased
    • smoking-related or may reflect abnormal early-life lung development
      • Hogg J. Lancet 2004; 364: 709–21
  • Other factors -- loss of lung elastic recoil (due to destruction of alveolar walls) and destruction of alveolar support (from alveolar attachments)
  • Hyperinflation occurs early in the disease and is the main mechanism of exertional dyspnea
    • The progressive airway obstruction traps air during expiration resulting in
      • hyperinflation at rest
      • dynamic hyperinflation during exercise
    • Reduces inspiratory capacity → reduction in FRC during exercise → breathlessness & limited exercise capacity

Emphysema & Gas Exchange Abnormalities

  • Peribronchiolar destruction of alveolar walls
  • Loss of alveolar attachments
  • Loss of elastic recoil and airway collapse
  • Enlargement of air spaces

Subtypes of Emphysema

Gas Exchange Abnormalities

  • Gas exchange abnormalities occur in advanced disease
    • Arterial hypoxemia with or without hypercapnia
      • Anatomical changes in COPD → abnormal distribution of V/Q ratios → abnormal gas exchange
    • Extent of impairment of DLCO per liter of alveolar volume correlates well with the severity of emphysema

Pulmonary Hypertension

  • Develops late in COPD at the time of severe gas exchange abnormalities
    • Hypoxia → pulmonary arterial constriction
    • Structural change in pulmonary arterioles
      • Endothelial dysfunction
      • Remodeling of pulmonary arteries (smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia)
      • Destruction of pulmonary capillary bed
  • Hypoxia + Structural changes in pulmonary arterioles → persistent pulmonary hypertension & right ventricular hypertrophy or enlargement and dysfunction (cor pulmonale)

Systemic Effects

  • Systemic inflammation + skeletal muscle wasting → limited exercise capacity
    • worsen prognosis irrespective of degree of airflow obstruction
  • Increased risk of CV disease → a/w increase in CRP (see below)

Exacerbation Pathophysiology

  • Increased neutrophilic inflammation & increased number of eosinophils (in mild exacerbations)
  • Caused by infection, air pollution, and changes in ambient temperature
  • Mild exacerbation
    • airflow obstruction is unchanged to slightly increased
  • Severe exacerbation
    • Worsening pulmonary gas exchange due to V/Q mismatch & Respiratory Muscle Fatigue
    • Worsening pulmonary gas exchange
      • airway inflammation, edema, mucous hypersecretion, and bronchoconstriction → reduce ventilation → hypoxic vasoconstriction of pulmonary arterioles → impairs perfusion
    • Respiratory Muscle Fatigue + Alveolar hypoventilation
      • Result in hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and respiratory acidosis → severe respiratory failure → death
      • Hypoxia + Respiratory acidosis → pulmonary vasoconstriction → increase load on right ventricle + renal and hormonal changes → peripheral edema

History & Physical Exam/Clinical Features


Consider COPD and Perform Spirometry if:

  • Dyspnea -- progressive over time, worse with exercise, persistent
  • Chronic Cough -- may be intermittent and dry
  • Recurrent Wheezing
  • Chronic sputum
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • History of risk factors -- smoke or other noxious, occupational, genetics
  • Childhood factors -- prematurity, maternal smoking, low birth weight
  • Family history of COPD
  • Presence or absence of symptoms (Wheezing, Cough, sputum production or Dyspnea) was not particularly discriminative in diagnosing COPD in the general population

GOLD Grades

  • Airflow limitation based on post-bronchodilator FEV₁
    • Assess airflow limitation first then symptoms & risk of exacerbation
  • FEV₁ and Mortality from NHANES 1 data
    • Increasing mortality with increasing severity of airflow limitation
    • Never smokers with moderate-severe COPD were not at increased risk of mortality

Symptom Assessment Tool

mMRC Dyspnea Scale

COPD Assessment Tool (CAT)

  • 8 items; scale 1-5
  • Scores 0 - 40
    • <10 - Low impact
    • 10-20 - Medium impact
    • 21-30 - High impact
    • 30 - Very high impact

  • Fixes limitation with predicting risk of acute exacerbation based on FEV₁
  • Assess symptoms plus consequences (activity limitation, sleep, fatigue, self-efficacy)

Additional Investigations to Consider

  • α-1 antitrypsin (AAT) screening
    • WHO recommends screening all patients with COPD at least once
  • Imaging
  • Lung volumes and diffusing capacity
  • Oximetry and blood gas measurement
  • Exercise testing
  • Composite scores (such as BODE index for COPD survival)
    • B- BMI, O- degree of airflow Obstruction (FEV₁%), D-Dyspnea (mMRC), E-Exercise capacity index (6MWT)
    • BODE is a better predictor of risk of death from any cause and from respiratory causes than is the FEV₁ alone
    • FEV₁ does not adequately reflect all the systemic manifestations of the disease
      • FEV₁ correlates weakly with degree of dyspnea and change in FEV₁ does not reflect the rate of decline in patient's health
    • Degree of dyspnea and health-status scores are more accurate predictors of risk of death than is the FEV₁.
  • Biomarkers -- need further study

α1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency

Diagnosis of AECOPD


Management of Stable COPD

  • Goals of COPD Management
    • Reduce Symptoms
      • relieve symptoms of dyspnea
      • improve exercise tolerance
      • improve health status
    • Reduce Risk
      • prevent disease progression
      • prevent and treat exacerbations
      • reduce mortality

Pharmacologic Therapy

  • Symptomatic patients with mild to moderate COPD (post-bronchodilator FEV₁ ≥50% predicted), there is significant improvement of annual decline in FEV₁ after bronchodilator use, accompanied by a significant increase in the time to first AECOPD, but no improvement in mortality.
    • Improvement in prebronchodilator FEV₁ and post, mMRC and CAT scores
  • SABA and SAMA improve FEV₁ and symptoms
    • SABA + SAMA > SABA or SAMA
  • LAMA and LABA improve lung function (FEV₁), dyspnea (symptoms), health status and exacerbations
    • LAMA -- greater effect on exacerbation and hospitalization reduction
    • LAMA -- improve effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation
    • LAMA + LABA > LAMA or LABA
  • Inhaled Steroids
    • ICS + LABA -- more effective than ICS or LABA in improving lung function, health status and exacerbations
    • Triple inhaled therapy (ICS/LABA/LAMA)
      • improves lung function, symptoms, health status, exacerbations, mortality vs
        • ICS/LABA or LABA/LAMA or LAMA
    • Regular treatment with ICS increases risk of pneumonia, especially in those with severe disease
    • Factors to consider when initiating ICS treatment
  • Data
    • ISOLDE Study (Burge PS, et al. BMJ. 2000;320:1297)
      • ICS (Fluticasone) decreases COPD exacerbation risk by 25%
    • UPLIFT Study (Tashkin DP, et al. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:1543)
      • LAMA (Tiotropium) decreases COPD exacerbation risk by 14%
    • TORCH Study (Calverley PM, et al. N Engl J Med. 2007;356:775)
      • LABA + ICS (Salmeterol + Fluticasone) decreases COPD exacerbation more than ICS or LABA alone
    • POET-COPD Study (Vodelmeier et al. NEJM 2011;364:1093)
      • LAMA (Tiotropium) decreases exacerbations more than LABA (Salmeterol)
    • FLAME Study (Wedzicha et al. NEJM 2016; 374: 2222)
      • LAMA + LABA (Glycopyrronium + Indacaterol) decreases exacerbations more than ICS + LABA (Fluticasone + Salmeterol)
      • Effect independent of baseline blood eosinophil count
      • Higher incidence of pneumonia in ICS group
    • ETHOS Study (Rabe et al. NEJM 2020; 383:35) -- looked at exacerbation rate
      • Large study - 8509 patients with moderate to very severe COPD
        • ≥1 moderate to severe exacerbation in prior year if FEV₁ <50%
        • ≥2 moderate or ≥1 severe exacerbation if FEV₁ 50-65%
      • ICS used was Budesonide 160 and 320
      • Triple therapy with Budesonide 160 had lowest rate of moderate to severe exacerbation compared to triple therapy with Budesonide 320 and ICS + LABA and LAMA + LABA (highest rate) -- surprising that LAMA + LABA had a higher exacerbation rate than ICS + LABA when FLAME study said opposite (potentially a result of the individual drugs used?)
    • IMPACT Study (Lipson et al. AJRCCM 2020) -- looked at mortality
      • Large study - 10355 patients with symptomatic COPD; FEV₁ <50% and at least 1 moderate to severe exacerbation in the prior year; FEV₁ 50 - <80% and at least 1 severe or 2 moderate exacerbations (a little higher cut off than ETHOS study)
      • LAMA + LABA highest all-cause mortality
      • ICS + LABA & triple therapy had similar all-cause mortality at the end of 52 weeks
    • Macrolide Therapy in COPD & Exacerbations
      • Long-term macrolide therapy reduces exacerbations (Seemungal et al. AJRCCM 2008)
        • medium time to 1st exacerbation 271 days macrolide; 89 days for placebo
      • Azithromycin therapy (Albert et al NEJM 2011; 365:689)
        • medium time to exacerbation 266 days azithromycin; 174 days placebo
    • Roflumilast & Exacerbations (Martinez et al Lancet 2015;385:857)
      • All patients had baseline LABA/ICS use
      • 13% reduction in exacerbations

Non-Pharmacologic Therapy

  • Smoking cessation
    • Effect on Lung Function (The Lung Health Study at 11 years Anthonisen et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;166:675)
      • Men who quit had an FEV₁ rate of decline of 30 mL/year
      • Men who continued to smoke had an FEV₁ rate of decline of 66 mL/year
    • Effect on Lung Function (The Lung Health Study at 14 years Anthonisen NR, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2005;142:233)
      • Sustained quitters had the least deaths per 1000 person-years followed by intermittent quitters and highest deaths per 1000 person-years for continued smokers
  • Immunization
    • Influenza vacciantion reduces serious illness and death in COPD patients
    • PPSV 23 has been shown to reduce the incidence of CAP in
      • COPD patients aged <65 years + FEV₁ <40% predicted
      • Those with comorbidities
    • PCV 13 demonstrated significant efficacy in reducing bacteremia and serious invasive pneumococcal disease in adults ≥65 years
      • No longer recommended by CDC unless specific risk factors
    • Tdap vaccination recommended in adults with COPD who were not vaccinated in adolescence to protect against pertussis
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation (Alison et al. Respirology 2017;22(4):800 McCarthy et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003793)
    • Significantly improves exercise capacity and health status (QOL/anxiety/depression/dyspnea)
    • Reduces frequency of exacerbations
    • Reduces the number of readmissions in the year following initiation
    • Reduction in mortality
    • Optimum benefit from programs 6-8 weeks' duration
    • does not improve pulmonary function tests or oxygenation
  • Oxygen therapy
    • Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) = >15 hours/day
    • Severe chronic resting arterial hypoxemia (PaO₂ ≤55 mm Hg)
      • Long-term oxygen therapy improved survival vs nocturnal-only or no oxygen
    • Moderate chronic resting hypoxemia (PaO₂ 56-59 mm Hg or SpO₂ 88-90%) + cor pulmonale or polycythemia
      • Long-term oxygen therapy improved survival
    • Moderate chronic resting hypoxemia (SpO₂ 89-93%)
      • Long-term oxygen therapy does not lengthen time to death or time to first hospitalization or provide sustained benefit in health status, lung function and 6MWT distance
    • Exercise-Induced Hypoxemia (SpO₂ during 6MWT ≥80% for ≥5 minutes and <90% for ≥10 seconds)
      • Long-term oxygen therapy does not lengthen time to death or time to first hospitalization or provide sustained benefit in health status, lung function and 6MWT distance
        • Use of supplemental oxygen during exercise, however, increases exercise performance
      • SpO₂ 80 to 88% during exercise (Moderate Exercise Hypoxemia), → O₂ during exercise did not improve long term outcomes of hospitalization, QOL, dyspnea
        • Supplemental oxygen may remove the stimulus to hypoxia-compensating mechanisms such as those seen in residents of high-altitude
    • Indications in Stable COPD
      • Resting Hypoxemia
        • PaO₂ ≤55 mm Hg or SaO₂ ≤88%
        • PaO₂ ≤59 mm Hg or SaO₂ ≤ 89% +
          • EKG evidence of cor pulmonale
          • Hematocrit > 55
          • Clinical evidence of right heart failure
      • Exercise-Induced Hypoxemia
        • PaO₂ ≤55 mm Hg during exercise (Severe Exercise Hypoxemia) → O₂ prescribed for use DURING exercise
          • Unknown if this has any effect on long-term outcome benefits
          • Use during exercise did not translate to improvement/benefit in dyspnea or ADLs when not using oxygen
      • Sleep-Induced Hypoxemia
        • PaO₂ ≤55 mm Hg during sleep → O₂ prescribed
        • Also need to evaluate with PSG for underlying sleep-disordered breathing
    • Supplemental oxygen sometimes provides symptomatic dyspnea relief by stimulating a decrease in minute ventilation → may improve activity but does not improve survival
    • COPD + DOE can be from exertional hypoxemia but also from mechanical loading of the respiratory system, deconditioning and concomitant cardiac disease → pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation
    • In stable hypercapnic COPD improves survival (Kohnlein et al. Lancet Respir Med 2014;2:698)
    • Criteria: GOLD stage IV COPD + PaCO₂ ≥ 52 mm Hg & pH > 7.35
    • Long-term NPPV targeted to reduce hypercapnia
    • 11% reduction in mortality at 1 year
    • In patients admitted for AECOPD requiring NIV and who remain hypoxemic and hypercarbic (PaCO₂ ≥52 mm Hg) 2 weeks following discharge, the addition of goal-directed nocturnal NIV to continous O₂ has been shown to significantly prolong time to hospital readmission and death within 12 months + improved health-related QOL and reduction in AECOPD frequency
      • AECOPD + NIV = poor prognosis w/ median time to readmission or death less than a year
        • benefit from supplemental oxygen
        • use NIV for at least 6 hours at night → reduce nocturnal hypoventilation → reduction in daytime PaCO₂ by 6-8 mm Hg
  • Interventional & Surgical Therapy in Stable COPD

    • Surgical Lung Volume Reduction (NETT research group NEJM 2003;348:2059 Naunheim et al. Ann Thorac Surg 2006; 82:431)
      • Upper lobe emphysema a/w improvement in exercise capacity & QOL
      • Upper lobe emphysema + low baseline exercise capacity a/w improvement in survival
    • Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction w/ Endobronchial Valves (EBV) (Criner et al. AJRCCM 2018;198(9):1151 Kemp et al. AJRCCM 2017;196(12):1535 Majid et al. Respiration 2020;99(1):62)
      • Criteria
        • hyperinflation due to severe emphysema
        • symptomatic despite optimal medical therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation
      • EBV placed in lung region with most emphysematous destruction and no collateral ventilation
      • Zephyr duckbill shaped and Spiration umbrella-shaped EBV approved in USA
      • Efficacy -- improved FEV₁, dyspnea, 6MWD, QOL, RV
      • A/E -- significant risk of pneumothorax (25-30%)
      • EBV does not preclude subsequent LVRS or transplant
        | Reduce Exacerbations | Reduce Mortality |
        | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
        | LABA, LAMA, LABA + LAMA | LABA + LAMA + ICS |
        | LABA + ICS, LABA + LAMA + ICS | Smoking Cessation |
        | Roflumilast | LVRS |
        | Chronic macrolide | NIPPV |
        | Smoking Cessation | Pulmonary Rehabilitation |
        | Vaccines | |
        | Pulmonary Rehabilitation | |
        | LVRS | |
        | N-acetylcysteine | |
        | Vitamin D | |

Management of Acute Exacerbations

  • SABA with or without SAMA are recommended as initial bronchodilators
  • Systemic corticosteroids improve FEV₁, oxygenation and shorten recovery time and duration of hospitalization
    • Duration of therapy no more than 5-7 days
  • Antibiotics if signs of bacterial infection
    • shorten recovery time, reduce risk of early relapse and treatment failure, reduce hospital duration
  • Methylxanthines not recommended
  • NIV for AECOPD
    • If no contraindication, NIV in patients with acute respiratory failure 2/2 AECOPD
      • improves gas exchange
      • reduces work of breathing
      • reduces need for intubation
      • reduces hospital duration and hospital re-admission
      • improves survival

Complication & Prognosis

  • Diagnosed COPD
    • Asymptomatic individuals with FEV₁ <80% (moderate or more severe obstruction) experience significant adverse events similar to symptomatic COPD
  • Undiagnosed COPD
    • Symptomatic individuals with undiagnosed COPD were found to have an increased risk of exacerbations, pneumonia and death
    • Asymptomatic individuals with undiagnosed COPD had an increased risk of exacerbations and pneumonia

Comorbidities ^4e379d

  • Heart failure - prevalence 20-70%
  • CAD - increased risk of MI for 30 days after acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (AECB)
    • COPD is an independent risk factor for CV disease
      • increased the odds of having CV disease by 2.7
        • Finkelstein J, et al. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2009;4:337
    • Effects of airflow obstruction and systemic inflammation are additive
      • Increase in cardiac infarction injury score as airflow obstruction gets worse
      • (Sin
        • DD & Man SF. Circulation 2003; 107: 1514
  • PVD - higher prevalence in COPD (8.8% vs 1.8%)
  • Osteoporosis - associated with emphysema, low BMI, low fat-free mass
    • Severity of airflow obstruction predicts osteoporosis
    • Worsening severity of airflow obstruction -> increasing percentage of osteoporosis
      • More prominent in women than men
  • Metabolic syndrome - prevalence >30%
  • GERD - independent risk factor for exacerbations
  • OSA overlap with COPD a/w worse prognosis

Impact on Mortality

  • Estimated age-adjusted mortality a/w selected comorbid conditions
  • Holguin et al. CHEST 2005;128(4):2005 - National Hospital Discharge Survey 1979-2001; 47 million discharges
    • Those with COPD and comorbid condition had higher in-hospital mortality from the percentage of people that were discharged

Frequent Exacerbations & Decline in Lung Function

  • More exacerbations = faster decline in lung function
  • Donaldson GC, et al. Thorax. 2002;57:847
  • PEFR recovery after exacerbation (Seemungal TA, et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000;161:1608)
    • Recovery of PEFR to baseline values was complete in only 75% of exacerbations at 35 day
    • In 7% of exacerbations at 91 days PEFR recovery had not occurred

COPD Exacerbations Impact Survival

  • Severe COPD Exacerbations
    • Soler-Cataluña JJ et al Thorax 2005;64:925
    • 304 male patients, hospitalized for AECOPD followed for 5 years
    • Risk of death 4.3 times greater in frequent exacerbators
  • In general exacerbations are a/w increased mortality
    • In patients hospitalized with AECOPD
      • 14% mortality in 3 months
      • 28% mortality in 1 year
    • If AECOPD w/ PaCO₂ > 50 mm Hg, a/w
      • 33% mortality in 6 months
      • 43% mortality in 12 months
    • Roberts et al. Thorax 2002;57(2):137 Connors et al. AJRCCM 1996; 154(4):959 Slenter et al. Respiration 2013;85(1):15 Almagro et al. Respiration 2012;84(1):36
